LGBT+ Means What?

What Does LGBT+ Mean Exactly? LGBT+ is an acronym that stands for Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual, Transgender, Plus. The “+” sign at the end represents the inclusion of other sexual orientations and gender identities that may not be explicitly mentioned in the original acronym. It was first coined circa 1988 in the USA and popularised in […]
Question to Client 1: What do you think hypnotherapy is?

Question to Anonymous Client 1: What do you think hypnotherapy is? Answer: “Derren Brown uses it for entertainment. Paul McKenna helps people stop smoking and lose weight. In films it helps police by making people give more evidence. NLP (Neurolinguistic Programming) is linked to it and I know it is used by unscrupulous salespeople to […]
Rethinking Your Goals – Make Them Positive SMART Goals When you start your hypnotherapy with us, you are likely to already have some goals in mind for the treatment. Your goals and aims of treatment are really important, so they will remain in essence. However, we would usually promote rewording these goals to be more […]