Anchoring is a Good Hypnotherapy & NLP Treatment for Phobias
A popular, well-known, often used technique in both hypnotherapy and NLP phobia treatments is anchoring. How it works is a specific mental or more often physical trigger (like pressing your finger and thumb together) becomes associated with a good, positive state of mind or emotion during your therapy. When we have anchored these positive emotions (happiness, calm, relaxation) to your trigger, you can then access these positive states of mind whenever you wish, wherever you are, as long as it is safe to do so. So, when you feel the fear of a phobia happening, you can change the way you feel to a more positive emotions instead. Anchoring can be used alone or even better with other therapies to enhance it. Call 07979 814388 today to book your phobia therapy appointment.
You Can Replace Irrational Fear With Positive Feelings
For instance, imagine you have a phobia, also called an irrational fear of flying (aerophobia). As you set off to the airport you start to get anxious. As you enter the airport this might turn into plain irrational fear or panic. As you feel this begin to happen, you can use your trigger. Simply close your eyes when it is safe to do so, press your thumb and finger together like you have done in therapy and the anxiety and fear can be replaced with the calm, relaxed feeling you want instead.
Phobic Fear Can be Replaced by Improved Emotions
Let’s look at another good example of how anchoring can be of use to you as a phobic person. Imagine someone has a fear of heights (acrophobia). Whenever they are in a high place or approaching a hight the phobia fear strikes! So now imagine you begin to feel uncomfortable going up a large set of stairs. Time to take a moment, when it is safe to do so. Breathe deeply and slowly a few times. Then use the anchoring techniques you have learned in therapy to recreate the better, more positive feelings you really want instead.
Allow a Wave of Calm Self-Control to Wash Over You
As, you press your trigger, your thumb and finger together, you can get a wave calmness, a greater feeling of overall control with this simple gesture. Your subconscious can register you trigger with the emotions you have told your therapist you want to be feeling. By consistently anchoring these positive emotions, you can tap into them whenever you find yourself in a high place and replace your irrational fear with a wave of calm, self-control, and confidence instead. Call 07979 814388 today to bathe your own calmer waters.
NLP in Conjunction With Hypnotherapy Can be Your Answer
NLP can be used as a standalone treatment for phobias. However, it can also be used in conjunction with other therapeutic approaches to enhance your therapy’s effectiveness. Many phobia therapists incorporate NLP techniques along with hypnotherapy into their treatment plans, tailoring them to each individual’s specific needs and goals. It is your therapy so, you tell us how you want to feel, instead of the irrational fear you have. Then we will do our best to replace the old unwanted feelings you dont want with the new desired emotions you do want instead.
Understanding Your Phobia During Therapy Can Give You Insight
By exploring both hypnotherapy and NLP as routes to overcoming phobias, you can gain valuable insights into your own thought patterns surrounding your fear. As a team we can develop many practical strategies to allow you to manage this irrational fear better. We offer you a holistic and empowering approach to therapy here. We allow you to take an active role in the healing process you desire. If you are considering therapy to treat phobias, exploring NLP and hypnotherapy with us can be a valuable addition to your journey to a better way of feeling and being. Book your therapy appointment today by calling 07979 814388
Hudson L (2010) More Scripts & Strategies in Hypnotherapy (p. 47) Anchors – Explanation and Procedure Crown House Publishing Kindle Edition
Prusty B et al (2011) TRENDS IN NEURO-LINGUISTIC PROGRAMMING (NLP): A CRITICAL REVIEW [online] available from