Unlocking New Perspectives with Cartesian Coordinate Questions

Picture of light bulb on a pinned yellow noteWhen facing a problem, big or small, it’s easy to get caught up in our own assumptions and biases. Sometimes, the solution seems just out of reach. However, by using Cartesian Coordinate Questions, we can gain new perspectives and insights that we may have overlooked before. These four questions encourage us to think outside the box and examine different possibilities. In this blog post, we’ll explore how these questions work and how they can help unlock new perspectives when seeking solutions or reaching our goals.

Understanding Cartesian Coordinate Questions

So, you have a problem and have been searching for a solution but, to no avail. Just stop the worry and look at asking these 4 Cartesian Coordinate questions instead. They may bring you new insight easily.

  1. What will happen if I do X?
  2. What will happen if I don’t do X?
  3. What won’t happen if I do X?
  4. What won’t happen if I don’t do X?


These questions allow you to look at your problem from different angles and get new insight that you may have missed while seeking a solution. The first two questions help you evaluate the potential outcomes of taking a specific action or not taking it. The third and fourth questions help you identify any unexpected consequences or outcomes that may occur. By asking these questions, you can gain a better understanding of your problem and develop a more effective plan of action. These questions may seem simple, but they can lead to profound insights and help you make better decisions.

How to Use Cartesian Coordinate Questions for Problem-Solving

When facing a problem or seeking a solution, using Cartesian Coordinate Questions can help you gain new insight and find a way forward. To use this method effectively, follow these steps:Identify the problem or decision you are facing.

  • Write down the four Cartesian Coordinate Questions and fill in the answers based on your current understanding of the situation.
  • Take a step back and reflect on your answers, looking for new perspectives or insights that may have emerged from the exercise.
  • Use the new information and insights to make a more informed decision or formulate a more effective solution to the problem.


It is important to note that using these questions does not guarantee a perfect solution or eliminate all risks or uncertainties. However, it does offer a structured approach that can help you explore different possibilities and weigh the potential outcomes. Give it a try next time you are seeking a solution, and see if it helps you gain new insight and find a path forward.

Example Scenarios of Applying Cartesian Coordinate Questions

I am suffering from anxiety and think hypnotherapy might help.

What will happen if I try hypnotherapy? If I try hypnotherapy, it could help reduce my anxiety and provide me with new coping mechanisms. I may also gain new insights into my condition and how to manage it better.

What will happen if I don’t try it? If I don’t try hypnotherapy, I may continue to struggle with anxiety, and my condition could worsen over time. I may also miss out on a potential solution that could improve my quality of life.

What won’t happen if I do try it? Trying hypnotherapy won’t harm me physically or mentally, and it won’t interfere with any other treatments I am currently receiving.

What won’t happen if I don’t try it? If I don’t try hypnotherapy, I won’t have the opportunity to see if it works for me or if it provides any benefits. I also won’t have a chance to explore other options for managing my anxiety.

By applying Cartesian Coordinate Questions to my situation, I can gain new insights into my problem and weigh the potential outcomes of trying or not trying hypnotherapy. This can help me make a more informed decision and ultimately lead to a better outcome.

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